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50A Bipolar Connector with Tail Protection

50A Bipolar Connector with Tail Protection

The 50A Dual-Pole Connector Power Plug, a high-performance and reliable solution specifically designed for forklift battery power systems. This connector housing is engineered to handle heavy-duty applications, ensuring stable power transmission and safety in industrial environments.


Whether you are managing power systems for forklifts, electric vehicles, or other high-current equipment, this power plug offers the durability and precision needed for demanding operations.

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50A Bipolar Connector with Tail Protection


1.Product Introduction:

Industrial-Grade Durability

Manufactured with high-quality injection molding, this 50A connector is built for long-lasting performance even in challenging industrial settings. Its insulated design provides protection against electrical hazards and ensures efficient power transmission. The housing is designed to withstand high-frequency operations, ensuring stable current flow in high-demand applications.

Tail Protection for Enhanced Safety

Equipped with tail protection, this connector is designed to reduce wear and tear on the wiring, especially in applications where the connector is frequently plugged and unplugged. The tail protection helps extend the lifespan of the wiring harness by minimizing the risk of wire damage or short-circuiting.

Optimized for Forklift Battery Systems

This 50A bipolar connector is specially optimized for forklift battery systems, where high-current power delivery is essential. It supports AC/DC interfaces, allowing it to be compatible with a variety of power sources and ensuring efficient power transmission to critical machinery.

2.Picture Introduction:


3.Our Advantages:

∗At our company, we take pride in our ability to seamlessly integrate the research, development, production, and sales of various high-current connectors and accessories for new energy applications.

∗Offering unparalleled OEM cable harness customization and full-service connector and wire harness solutions, our team delivers a comprehensive approach to meeting your needs.

∗From start to finish, our goal is to provide exceptional quality and service, ensuring the success of your project. Trust us to be your all-in-one partner for cutting-edge new energy interconnectivity.


4.Packages & Shipping:

Our products are packaged to international standards, ensuring that your order arrives in immaculate condition. We are based in Guangdong, China, and dispatch all orders from this location. With our commitment to professional and efficient service, you can trust us to deliver your goods with utmost care and attention to detail. 



Q: What services does your company offer for high-current connectors and cabling solutions?

A: Our company specializes in providing professional development, design, and integrated cabling solutions for high-current connectors ranging from 5A to 350A. We also offer production and sales of a wide range of high-current connectors, plugs, and UPS/EPS power sockets to support various industries, including automotive, electric vehicles, communication power, medical equipment, power distribution equipment, material handling equipment, solar energy, and new energy.

Our company boasts its own production and R&D base, and has obtained ISO9001 quality system certification. All of our products meet CE, 3C, and other certifications, as well as RoSH and REACH environmental protection requirements. With our commitment to quality and excellence, we offer reliable and efficient solutions to support our clients' businesses.

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    Office Add:Floor 2,Mingyue Huadu,Gonghe lndustrial Road,Gongle Community,xixiang Sub-District,Baoan District Shenzhen,China(518102)

يرجى القراءة ، البقاء على اطلاع ، الاشتراك ، ونحن نرحب بك لإخبارنا برأيك.

مدونة خريطة الموقع سياسة الخصوصية XML © 2024 Shenzhen DMIC Co.,LTD. كل الحقوق محفوظة . دعم الشبكة

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